Qualification Orders Qualification is the term used for registering a business in a State other than the initial incorporating State Information about the company State of Qualification: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Name of Corporation or LLC in the home state: If name is not available in qualifying state, name should be: Home State of Incorporation or Formation: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming The original date of incorporation or formation in the home state: Most States require a supporting document(s) such as a good standing. Do you want RALS to order: Please Select for Qualifications Yes- additional fee will apply No- documents will be forwarded to RALS Principal Activity of Company: Name and Address of Director(s) or Members (Many states require just one director, who may also be an officer) (We prepare LLC's as member managed unless you indicate you want manager managed in the special instructions section below) Name #1: Address #1: Name #2: Address #2: If you have more than 2 Directors, please e-mail their names and addresses to sales@inclegal.com. Names of Officers (Corporations only)(One person may hold all offices in many States) President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Corporate Stock (Corporations only) Number of Shares of Stock: We will automatically form your corporation with 1,500 shares at no par value or the number which qualifies for the minimum incorporating fees in your state unless you instruct otherwise. Par Value per Share: Registered Agent Service I would like Registered Agent Legal Services, LLC to provide me with Registered Agent service. If you plan to be your own Registered Agent* please fill out the following. *This means you have a street address in the state you are incorporating or forming in (P.O. boxes are not acceptable), and you are comfortable accepting mail from the Secretary of State office as well as legal documents. Agent Name: Agent Address: Services Requested Alabama - $229 Alaska - $429 Arizona - $254 Arizona (LLC) - $229 Arkansas - $379 California - $229 California (LLC) - $199 Colorado - $179 Connecticut - $464 Connecticut (LLC) - $199 Delaware - $324 Delaware (LLC) - $279 District of Columbia - $299 Florida - $149 Florida (LLC) - $204 Georgia - $304 Hawaii - $154 Idaho - $179 Illinois - $229 Indiana - $204 Indiana (LLC) - $329 Iowa - $179 Kansas - $194 Kansas (LLC) - $244 Kentucky - $169 Louisiana - $204 Louisiana (LLC) - $229 Maine - $329 Maryland - $229 Massachusetts - $469 Massachusetts (LLC) - $599 Michigan - $139 Michigan (LLC) - $129 Minnesota - $299 Minnesota (LLC) - $284 Mississippi - $579 Mississippi (LLC) - $329 Missouri - $234 Missouri (LLC) - $184 Montana - $149 Nebraska - $214 Nebraska (LLC) - $194 Nevada - $804 Nevada (LLC) - $504 New Hampshire - $179 New Jersey - $204 New Mexico - $279 New Mexico (LLC) - $179 New York - $354 New York (LLC) - $379 North Carolina - $329 North Dakota - $224 North Dakota (LLC) - $214 Ohio - $178 Oklahoma - $379 Oregon - $354 Pennsylvania - $204 Rhode Island - $389 Rhode Island (LLC) - $229 South Carolina - $214 South Carolina (LLC) - $189 South Dakota - $829 Tennessee - $679 Tennessee (LLC) - $379 Texas - $829 Utah - $149 Vermont - $204 Virginia - $179 Washington - $279 West Virginia - $179 West Virginia (LLC) - $229 Wisconsin - $179 Wyoming - $229 State Qualification Filing Fee (fee for drafting and filing has been included)Note: most States will also require a supporting document(s) such as a certificate of good standing Registered Agent Fee $99 (if you are using our services as agent) Additional Registered Agent Fee if invoiced to Non-USA address $26 Corporate or LLC Kit $75 Mail Forwarding Service (For Delaware companies ONLY) Unlimited Mail Forwarding Service $300 Limited Mail Forwarding Service $100 Special Instructions and Suggestions on how we can improve this web site If you have comments, suggestions or special instructions with your order, please note them here. 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