Company name as it will be filed:
Contact name, phone & fax:
Incorporation/Formation Info: State/Province:
Jurisdictions for which we will act as Agent:
(Please provide all states)
- Check this box if this is a Change of Agent to RALS.
*FREE in most states with payment of annual agent fee (RALS will prepare forms for signature and then file)
Services Requested
- Registered Agent Fee $99 per state
Note: To choose multiple states,
press the control key and click on the state.
- Additional Registered Agent Fee if invoiced to Non-USA address $26
Billing, tax reports and legal documents should be sent to:
State / Province:    Zip / Postal Code:
Web Site Address:

By completing this form, we certify that neither Registered Agents Legal Services, LLC nor any of its employees or agents have provided us with any legal or financial advice.

Billing Options
Secure Site This order form is secureSecure Site
I already have an account with RALS
I would like to set up an account with RALS
       (for Law Firms and Law Departments of Corporations only)
Please charge my credit card (enter card info after verifying order)
Wire Transfer Payment: Please contact our office for instructions.

Why did you choose RALS?

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